Mrs. McDonald's 3rd Grade Class

Grading Policy

Third Grade Campus Grading Guidelines 2018-2019

Students earn numerical grade on assignments, assessments, and report cards according to the following scale:
E     90 – 100           Excellent
S     75 – 89              Satisfactory
N    70 – 74              Needs improvement
U    69 and below      Unsatisfactory

Failing Grades - Redo/Retake
Any grade below a 70 is considered failing, and the student will have a reasonable and fair opportunity to be retaught and to redo the assignment to further develop his/her understanding of the concept, earning a grade up to a 70.

Our focus is on mastery of the learning that corresponds to state standards.  At the elementary level, grades are not part of any GPA, and therefore, are not competitive in nature.  It may take some students longer with more assistance to gain mastery than it does for other students.

Number of Grades per Quarter
District Policy (EIA Local) states that grading guidelines shall ensure that grades reflect a student’s relative mastery of an assignment and that a sufficient number of grades are taken to support the grade average assigned.  Elementary teachers will take a minimum of seven grades each quarter in each core content area (reading, writing, math, science, social studies).

Additional Grading Information
Specific information for third grade at Canyon Creek Elementary follows:

Nine Weeks Average for Science, Social Studies, Math, and Reading
50% daily assignments
50% assessments/projects

Nine Weeks Average for Writing
70% writing assignments
30% daily spelling and grammar

Homework Expectations
Ongoing homework assignments may count as a daily grade:
-Reading Responses
-Social Studies Weekly Readers
-Spelling Vocabulary Packets

Make-Up Work from Absences
Students will be required to make up assessments and daily assignments within a reasonable amount of time after returning.*

*for extended absences, modified work and time requirements will be given

Late Work
It is very important for students to learn to meet deadlines and turn items in promptly.  Teachers will set final due dates for assignments and late work.  Late work should be completed within the grading period.  Late work may result in point deductions, but will not exceed 10 points. The classroom teacher will determine whether points will be deducted.

Extended Absences and Make Up Work
Class work missed by a student due to an extended travel engagement will be assigned to the student upon returning to school.  Teachers are not expected to prepare work prior to a student’s absence.

Progress Reports/Conferences
A progress report will be sent home during the fourth week of each quarter.  A teacher shall request a conference with a student’s parents at the end of a nine-week period if the student’s grades are not passing.  Parents and teachers may request a conference at any other time for other academic or behavioral concerns.  Parents are able to view grades at any time through the Home Access Center.

No student shall receive less than a 70 for complete and accurate late work that shows skill mastery. Late work that does not show mastery will have to be corrected or redone for a passing grade of a 70.

Home Access Center - Viewing Your Child’s Grades
Parents are encouraged to sign up for Home Access Center (HAC).  If you have not logged on to HAC before, you will need to go to the district website and click on Student/Parent. Then, choose Home Access Center.  Next, click on log-in.  On your left it will say, "If you do not have a username and password for Home Access Center, you can register by clicking Here."  From there you will be able to register for a username and password to get onto HAC. You will be able to easily see grades your child has received and if any assignments are missing.

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